Dear all,
We are very shocked to hear the tragic news of the loss of thousands of peoples’ lives and property damage due to the devastating and massive earthquake in Nepal. It was measured at 7.8 on the Richter scale and hit Kathmandu valley and surrounding areas at 11:56 AM on Saturday, April 25, 2015. A series of powerful aftershocks followed, some measuring over 6 on the Richter scale, several times in Kathmandu and mainly east of Kathmandu. Officials have said the death toll could exceed 10,000 and there are many injured. Rescue operations are being conducted and relief support has been sent generously from all over the world. Major historical landmarks were damaged or destroyed, avalanches occurred on Mount Everest area; many are still missing and a state of emergency has been declared by the Government.
In response, all Chicagoland social organizations have united together and formed a fund raising committee to help Nepal. We request all social organizations, officials, media and individuals to support the cause, donating as we request below and spreading the word to others. Your small donation will make a big differences in Nepal. Collected fund will be delivered to the Nepal as soon as possible and the donation list will be announced publicly on this page and elsewhere. We are a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt non-profit organization and your donation is fully tax deductible to the extent of IRS tax code.
Members of the core committee with contact information follows. This committee will be the main administrative decision making body for the fund.
Sharda Thapa 312-953-7192 (Chair) Contact email:
Bala Ghimire 773-710-3795 (Co-chair)
Beni Madhav Kandel 773-370-4013
Bikram Tharu 773-367-9930
Suman Wosti 773-386-4006
Shrawan Shrestha 773-208-4085
Jitendra Rana 773-732-1583
Bhanu Ghimire 773-916-9635
Tek Raj Poudel 312-774-2132
Organizations participating in the meeting were:
Chicagoland Nepali Friendship Society
Non-Resident Nepali Association, Illinois Chapter
Chicagoland Tharu Society
Nepali American Center
Newa American Dabu
America Nepal Society
Tharu Friends
Other social organizations, churches, Nepali businesses, media houses and all Nepalese in Chicagoland
Paypal and Cash donation List as of 09:00 AM on June 07, 2015
Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund, Chicago, IL 0607
आदरणीय सम्पूर्ण सिकागोबासिहरु,
यहि बैशाख १२ गते तद अनुसार अप्रिल २५, सन् २०१५ का दिन मातृभूमि नेपालमा आएको विनाशकारी भूकम्पमा परि करिब 9000 जनाको मृत्यूहुनुका साथ् साथै हजारौंको संख्यामा परिवारहरुको बिचल्ली भैरहेको हामी सबैमा बिदितॆ छ . राष्ट्रिय संकटको यस घडीमा सम्पूर्ण सिकागोल्याण्ड स्थित नेपाली संघ संस्थाहरु एकजुटभै नेपालका भुकम्प पिडितहरुको तत्काल सहयोगार्थ नगद, जिन्सी तथा अनलाईन मार्फत सहयोग संकलन गरिरहिएको छ. यस पबित्र कार्यमा यहाँहरु सबैले दर्शाउनु भयको निस्वार्थ सहयोगको लागि हामी आभारी छौँ. हाम्रो अभियानलाई साथ दिनुहुने सम्पूर्ण कार्यालयहरु, चर्च, संस्था, बिजनेश, स्वयंसेवक, चन्दादाताहरुमा धेरै धन्यवाद दिन चाहान्छौं.
[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Please donate Nepal Earthquake Fund, Chicago, Illinois[/button]
Donation via Check by US Mail – 5841 N Winthrop Ave, Unit 502, Chicago, IL 60660
Collection of goods, logistics are on hold until we find out solid solution to send those to Nepal.
Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund, Chicago, Illinois