Chicagoland Nepali Friendship Society (CNFS) is going to host a free workshop about affordable health care [Obamacare] insurance plan in coordination with Asian health coalition. Program Coordinator Ranjana Paintal and Biswas Pradhan will explain and assist you how to get and apply for affordable healthcare coverage. If you are interested and have any question about healthcare law and insurance; please attend this workshop.
Venue: Chicago Public Library, Edgewater 1st floor meeting hall
(6000 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60660)
Date: 01/27/2015 Tuesday
Time: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
No admission after 1:00 PM
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”red”]Free entry to all, call us below to confirm your presence[/button]
We heartily request you to become CNFS general member or renew your membership to support community activity.
Contact below personnel for details:
Benimadhav Kandel 773 370 4013
Jitendra Rana 773 732 1583
Kashi P Singh 773 317 0460
Ishwari Bagale 773 997 0840
Bhanu Ghimire 773 916 9635