Election Committee and Membership Drive Extended

Dear Community Memebrs:


This is to inform and request all the members of Chicagoland Nepali Friendship Society is that the executive meeting held on July 4, 2018 has requested to Mr Indrakant Chaudhary, Mr Baburam Sapkota, and Mr Krishna Khanal to accept their role as a member of Election Committee for our upcoming General Assembly in August 4-5, 2018.

Election Committee for your information is as below:

1. Mr. Khem Pathak

2. Mr. Gopal Kandel

3. Mr. Indrakant Chaudhary

4. Mr. Baburam Sapkota

5. Mr. Krishna Khanal

The meeting has also extended membership Drive until July 12, 2018. Please renew your membership or get a new membership if you have not already acquired it. You can contact any of our executive member or visit our website www.cnfsusa.org. You will not be eligible to cast your vote unless you have active membership with our organization.